Ultimate Winter Challenge

Join us for a brand new series of soccer events this winter! 7 new one-day events and the return of the NJ Indoor Cup.

Freedom SUmmer Camp

Thanks for a great third year! We can't wait to see you all back in June 2025. Registration opening soon!
Early Bird

Jersey Adult Leagues

New Winter leagues coming in March!

ISP Winter Lacrosse League

Ultimate Winter Challenge

Join us for a brand new series of soccer events this winter! 7 new one-day events and the return of the NJ Indoor Cup.

Freedom Summer Day Camp

Thanks for a great third year! We can't wait to see you all back in June 2025.
Early Bird

Jersey Adult Leagues

New Winter leagues coming in March!

ISP Winter Lacrosse League


     Over our extended winter break, we replaced both of our indoor fields with a new state-of-the-art woven turf. These fields, provided by Elite Turf USA, use a new woven technology with the players in mind. These fields are SAFER for all athletes of all ages, more DURABLE than traditional turf fields for a longer “feels new” feeling, and it’s 100% made from RECYCLED MATERIAL! And one of the best new features, NO MORE LITTLE RUBBER PELET INFILL! Even the infill is made from thicker recycled plastic TPE that you won’t take with you.

For more in depth details about our new fields, you can visit Elite Turf USA’s website by CLICKING HERE

freedom summer day camp!!

ISP has taken their multi sport program and kicked it up a notch. Bringing the same sports and activities you know and love and adding a few extras on and off the field…welcome to Freedom Summer Day Camp