Come play in ISP’s 2024-25 Indoor Winter LAX League!  Our girls’ 12v12 youth leagues play on Saturdays and are for 5th grade through 8th grade players.  Check below for dates and times. The game times will vary each week and the schedule will be posted on our website.  All teams play all weeks!  Don’t miss out on your chance to play in ISP’s competitive league.

If you would like to enter a team, please use the button below to contact Jess gentile.

**ISP strives to proved a safe and enjoyable environment for all participants.  Effective immediately, Any Foul by a player which results in a player in the netting surrounding the field will  be a MANDATORY Yellow card. Please also be aware that all Jewelry is prohibited during game play.

Organizer Incentive Credit

ISP recognizes the many hours of dedication involved in organizing a youth lacrosse team for the winter league.  As a thank you, a designated team organizer who brings in a girls’ youth team of 19 or more players is entitled to the 19th player registering free of charge. One organizer per team is eligible. Please contact Jess Gentile at 973-895-4007 or to learn more!

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Start Times



12/7 through 2/1
7:00 AM to 12:00 PM

If you are a team organizer and you would like to setup a team, please contact Jess Gentile – – or by phone at 973-895-4007 to have your team listed in our league or to get updates on players registered to date. Deadline to enter a team is November 1. Please let ISP know ASAP if you would like to enter a team this year. Each team is required to designate at least one parent coach, or representative. The coach or representative will help ensure proper conduct and behavior of the team while in team rooms and on the sidelines. This will also help facilitate communication between ISP and all teams.

A minimum of 18 players is needed to enter as a team and ensure no individuals will be placed with your team from outside your community. If your team has less than 18 Players, ISP may add players to your roster. Groups of less than 18 are welcome to register as ISP will be able to supplement players to complete your roster.

Absolutely! If your town/team is not registered to play at ISP but you would like to participate you will register as an individual player. After registration has closed, ISP will assign you to a team who needs additional players. Once assigned, you will be contacted by ISP with the name of your team. If we are unable to assign you, we will let you know as soon as possible!

• 12 vs. 12 Full Field Play (11 Field + 1 Goalie) All Teams MUST have a goalie.

• Game Timing: Running time – 25 Minute Halves – 2 Minute Half-Time

• The team listed first on the schedule receives the first alternate possession.

• One timeout per half is permitted but there will be no timeouts in the last FIVE minutes of the game.

• No Overtime in Pool Play

• Any foul in which a player is pushed into the netting is a mandatory yellow card.

• 8-meter shots will be played out if the horn sounds for the end of the half or game. If the 8- meter is already in play when the game horn sounds, then the game is done at the time of the horn.

• 60 Second Shot Clock for all Age Groups Except 3rd & 4th. (See Shot Clock Rules below)

ISP will make every effort to remain open so that all league games can be played. If a cancellation, in the interest of safety, is necessary games cancelled due to inclement weather may not be rescheduled. All cancellations and closings will be posted on our website.

Each team will play one game per week with the game time changing on a weekly basis. Schedules will be posted on our website.

ISP does not provide refunds for any reason. However, ISP is pleased to offer an insurance option through Vertical Insure. For more information on registration cancellation insurance in case the unexpected happens, please check out the Vertical Insure website.

Players will need to wear their own reversible pinnies and bring their lacrosse equipment. ISP will not be providing pinnies.

freedom summer day camp!!

ISP has taken their multi sport program and kicked it up a notch. Bringing the same sports and activities you know and love and adding a few extras on and off the field…welcome to Freedom Summer Day Camp